Jamaica Car Rental and Montego Bay Overview
If your looking for a place with the greatest variety of things to do look no further. When deciding on where to go in Jamaica with your Jamaica car rental company Danjor Car Rentals consider the beautiful Montego Bay. Located in St. James Parish on the northwest coast of the island, Montego Bay is fourth in population after Kingston, Portmore, and Spanish Town with about 100 000 people. Montego Bay or "MoBay" as it's sometimes called has a great hotel district where you can find some of the best restaurants and bars in Jamaica. Don't forget about Montego Bay's beaches either. Relax in the sun; the white sand beaches against the azure waters are beautiful especially during sunset when the sun's rays hit the waters. You Jamaica car rental company Danjor Car Rentals highly suggests going to the Doctor's Cave Beach if you're looking for gentle waves.
It's all in the name...
The name Montego Bay is believed to have origin to the Spanish word "manteca" which when roughly translated, just means lard. The meaning of lard does make sense in a way, as during the Spanish period it was believed that the port was where lard, leather, and beef were exported. In 1511 Jamaica was a colony of Spain and it was in 1655 when Oliver Cromwell's exploration of the Caribbean - the Western Design - which drove the Spanish away. In 1949 when Christopher Columbus first set foot on the island he named the bay Golfo de Buen Tiempo which translates to Fair Weather Gulf.
Conflict in paradise...
From the mid-17th century up until 1834 the town was mainly a port for sugar. During this time it was also a time of slavery. The Christmas Rebellion (or Baptist War) was a major slave revolt which happened in the Montego Bay area. It was led by Samuel Sharpe in 1831 and ended in 1832 with his hanging. However in 1975, Samuel Sharp was declared a national hero of Jamaica and the main square of the town was named in his honor. In 1980, Montego Bay was officially declared a city but does not have any autonomy as it is still a part of St. James parish.
Montego Bay today...
Montego Bay has certainly grown since its modest beginnings. Well known for its regional hospital Cornwall Regional Hospital, Montego Bay is also known for its duty free shopping (stores that do not charge local or national taxes and duties on their merchandise). Duty free shopping is just one of the reasons that tourists make Montego Bay their vacation destination. You will definitely love the concept of duty free shopping as Montego Bay offers several unique wares that you won't find anywhere else.
Several upper class Jamaicans, Americans, and Europeans, drawn to the beauty of Montego Bay, build their second homes here. If you have the time, definitely drive around the neighborhood with your Jamaica car rental company Danjor Car Rentals. The architecture of some of the houses in this area is simply magnificent. If you're looking to view some of Jamaica's history when traveling with your Jamaica car rental Danjor Car Rentals, make sure to visit the old sugar cane plantations. Much of Montego Bay's history comes from these sugar cane plantations, some even still have the original buildings and mill-works standing. If you choose to visit Montego Bay with your Jamaica car rental company Danjor Car Rentals you will find a multitude of things to do including shopping and fine dining. There is never a dull moment in Montego Bay when your traveling with Danjor Car Rentals!
Montego Bay Marine Park
Pier 1, Howard Cooke Blv.
Montego Bay, St. James
Jamaica, West Indies
Phone: 1 (876) 952 - 5619
Fax: 1 (876) 940 - 0659
Please visit the official website of Montego Bar Marine Park at http://www.mbmp.org/ for more information.